IHES Labs Report
One of the key initiatives undertaken within the framework of the European Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “Internationalization in Higher Education for Society (IHES)” (project number 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078288) led by Palacký University Olomouc (UPOL) in the Czech Republic was the establishment of two regional IHES Labs. These Labs were intended to be set up, managed, and operated at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, and at Rovira i Virgili University (URV) in Tarragona, Spain.
The objective of this report is to provide an overview of the IHES Labs concept, outline the process involved in establishing them in both the Czech Republic and Spain, and share the outcomes and insights garnered from the implementation of the Labs and their respective activities. The report aims to present a comprehensive understanding of the IHES Labs’ purpose, their role in fostering internationalization for societal benefit, and the valuable lessons learned through their implementation.